Saint Marks is a United Methodist congregation in the heart of downtown Charleston, WV. With a commitment to inclusion and serving our neighbors of all kinds, Saint Marks values the best of what our Wesleyan heritage has to offer, with a distinct focus on God's grace and presence in our lives. At Saint Marks, we recognize that faith is about both personal and social holiness. In other words, we take seriously the individual call to discipleship as we follow Jesus Christ and to incorporate practices of prayer, study, and devotion, but we also take seriously the communal nature of faith - that we are called to love and work for the good of our greater community through works of mercy as well as striving for justice, especially for the least of these. Saint Marks is particularly invested in ministry with and among our downtown unhoused and under-housed neighbors.
Saint Marks is a designated Lighthouse Congregation, which means that the West Virginia Annual Conference recognizes our commitment to remaining a United Methodist congregation, while also prioritizing the creation of a safe and hospitable community for those whose church has closed or separated from the United Methodist Church, and those who are not currently connected to a local faith community.
Two other congregations also meet for Sunday worship in the St. Marks building - Asbury United Methodist Church worships in Bennett Chapel, and the Meeting of the Charleston Religious Society of Friends (the Quakers) gather in Room 209.
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