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Welcome to Saint Marks KIDS 

We are excited to have your child(ren) at Saint Marks, we believe that each individual makes a difference in our worship! We offer engaging and fun activities to teach kids about God’s love and presence in their world. Please explore around this site to learn more about Saint Marks Kids! 


Sunday School: 9:30 am

(light breakfast foods available)

Worship: 10:45 am
Nursery Drop Off Begins: 9:15 am

Children’s Church: After Kids Corner for the duration of the Service*


Infant - PreK







Saint Marks' Nursery is staffed by Valerie and Micah, whose primary jobs are in daycare. They provide care for our littlest ones during worship services. Our nursery is equipped with plenty of age-appropriate toys and care items for your children. To ensure the well-being of all, our staff have been trained and screened.

Kids' Corner

Infant - Elementary School







Most services contain a special moment dedicated to children of all ages. During this time, we invite all of our kids to come to our Kids' Corner in the front left of the Sanctuary and hear a short lesson or story.

Kids Connect

Elementary School (K-5)







After Kids' Corner, elementary age children are invited to go with Jake, our Youth and Family Life Coordination, and our volunteers, to Kids Connect. During this time, kids will have the opportunity to dive deeper into the message from Kids' Corner, reflect on their week, and connect with other kids at Saint Marks. We are consistently re-envisioning Kids Connect to keep it engaging and fun for all!


*Typically on the fourth Sunday of each month, we do not offer Kids Connect and encourage elementary age kids to remain in the sanctuary with their families for the duration of the service. This allows our whole church family to worship together.

The Prayground

Families and Children of all Ages







Saint Marks welcomes you and each member of your family to make yourself at home in church at every service. For this reason, our sanctuary includes an area in the back left corner where kids and parents can spread out and enjoy some tactile activities during the service. Help yourself to any of our coloring sheets and crayons, toys, fidgets, and anything else you find in the cubbies. We hope these things will help you and your family get the most out of our worship opportunities!

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